Kaduwela to Panadura Highway Bus Timetable
Kaduwela > Kothalawala Interchange > Highway > Gelanigama Interchange > Bandaragama > Panadura
Kaduwela > Kothalawala Interchange > Highway > Gelanigama Interchange > Bandaragama > Panadura
Galle to Matale Bus route via Kegalle covers a distance of 260km with a travel time of approximately 8 hours and 30 minutes.
කඩුවෙල සිට අළුත්ගම දක්වා ධාවනය වන සුඛෝපබෝගී බස් රථ දක්ෂිණ අධිවේගී මාර්ගය ඔස්සේ කඩුවෙල දක්වා ගමන් කරයි.
Kaduwela to Galle highway bus route covers a distance of 120 km with a travel time of approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes.
කඩවත > කඩුවෙල > මාකුඹුර > දක්ෂිණ අධිවේගී මාර්ගය > මත්තල > තණමල්විල > වැල්ලවාය > බුත්තල > මොනරාගල
Panadura to Kandy Normal Bus Timetable content Bus Departure time & location, Contact numbers, Bus route, Route distance and more details.
Travel from Kaduwela to Negombo via Highway bus normally take 50 minutes. Contact the below numbers to book a seat.
Travel From Kaduwela to Kalutara via Highway or Express way bus normally take up to 1 hours.
Travel From Colombo to Embilipitiya via Highway Express way bus normally take up to 3.5 hours.