Matara to Negombo Highway Bus Timetable

Matara to Negombo Highway bus route covers a distance of 220km with a travel time of approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.

මාතර සිට මීගමුව දක්වා අධිවේගී බස් මාර්ගයේ කිලෝමීටර 220ක දුරක් ආවරණය කරන අතර ගමන් කාලය ආසන්න වශයෙන් පැය 2යි විනාඩි 30ක් වේ.

Route: EX1-6/270
Distance: 188km
Travel Time: 2:30 Hours

Matara to Negombo Highway Bus Schedule

TimeContactBus NameBus
8:00am0717303109DS GunasekataNB_8563
2:30pm0779271115DS GunasekataNC_4866

Bus Route

Matara > Godagama Interchange > Southern Expressway > Katunayake Expressway > 18th Mile Post Junction> Katunayake > Kurana > Negombo

Matara Expressway Bus Stand

Contact number: 0412220848

You can take the bus from below location. Click the Direction button to navigate to the location.

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