Kurunegala to Galle Highway Bus Timetable

Galle to Kurunegala Highway Bus Timetable

Travel from Kurunegala to Galle via Highway way bus normally take up to 4.50 hours. Contact below numbers to book a seat.

Approximate Distance: 200km
Travel Time: 4.5 Hours

කුරුණෑගල සිට ගාල්ල දක්වා අධිවේගී මාර්ගයෙන් ගමන් කිරීමට සාමාන්‍යයෙන් පැය 4.50 පමණ කාලයක් ගතවේ. බස් රථයේ ආසන වෙන්කරවා ගැනීමට පහත දුරකථන අංක අමතන්න.

Kurunegala to Galle Highway Bus Timetable

Departure TimeBusContact Number

Call for seat reservations.

Bus Route

Kurunegala > Central Expressway > Mirigama Interchange > Pasyala > Nittabuwa > Yakkala > Kadawatha Interchange > Southern Expressway > Pinnaduwa Interchange > Dewata > Galle Bus Stand

Get in Location

You can take the bus from below location. Click the Direction button to navigate to the location.

Ask your questions and comments bellow.

Last Update: 2024-08-28

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