Jaffna to Colombo Luxury Bus Service

Jaffna to Wellawatte Luxury Bus Service

Travel from Colombo (Wellawatte and Soysapura) to Jaffna is a long distance bus ride about 415km take up to 8 hours. Contact the provided numbers to book your seats.

Travel Distance: 415km
Approximate Time: 8 Hours

Colombo to Jaffna Luxury Bus Time Table

Start fromFrom JaffnaContact
9.15pm Point Pedro8:15pm0775551533
6:30pm Karainagar8:30pm0775551533
7.20pm Point Pedro – via Palali9:00pm0775551533
8:15pm Point Pedro9:30pm0775551533
8.45pm Kankesanthurai10.00pm0775551533

Jaffna to Colombo Bus fare

Current Bus Fair: Rs.3,500/=
Date: 2023.01.17

Bus Route

Soysapura > Wellawatte > Pettah > Negombo > Chilaw > Puttalam > Anuradhapuraya > Vavniya > Kilinochchi > Kodilamam > Varani > Manthikai > PointPedro > Nelliady > Achchuveli > Kopay > Nallur > Jaffna

Get in Location

You can take the bus from below location. Click the Direction button to navigate to the location.

Colombo to Jaffna Highway Bus Timetable

Soysapura to Jaffna Highway Bus Timetable

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Last update: 2024-06-29

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