Travel from Piliyandala to Matara to via Highway Bus takes about 1:40 hours. Piliyandala to Matara timetable content Bus Departure time, Bus Types, Contact numbers, Bus route, Route distance and more details.
Approximate Distance: 135km
Travel Time: 1:40 Hours
Ticket Price: Rs.1,115/-
Route No: EX1-26
Matara to Piliyandala Highway Bus Schedule
Time | Contact | Bus Name | Bus Number |
6:30 AM | 117706360 | SLTB Kesbewa | NB-7317 |
9:00 AM | 716483831 713203884 | NPS Highway Express | NC-9315 |
12:00 PM | 777404780 | Sunshine Highway Express | NC-8976 |
1:00 PM | 117706360 | SLTB Kesbewa | NB-7317 |
5:30 PM | 716483831 713203884 | NPS Highway Express | NC-9315 |
6:30 PM | 777404780 | Sunshine Highway Express | NC-8976 |
Bus Route
Piliyandala > Kesbewa >Kahathuduwa Interchange > Southern Expressway > Godagama Interchange > Matara
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