Kataragama to Colombo Highway Bus Timetable

Kataragama to Colombo Highway Bus Timetable

Kataragama to Colombo Highway bus route covers a distance of 270km with a travel time of approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes.

කතරගම සිට කොළඹ දක්වා අධිවේගී මාර්ගයේ බස් කිලෝමීටර් 270 ක දුරක් ආවරණය කරන අතර ගමන් කාලය ආසන්න වශයෙන් පැය 4 විනාඩි 30 කි.

Travel Distance: 270km
Travel Time: 4:30 Hours
Route: EX1-12/32

Kataragama to Colombo Highway Bus Schedule

TimeContactBus NameBus Number
2.20am0705906655Dhanara Highway BirdNC_8124
Basico HoldingsNG_5245
5.00am0472235281SLTB KataragamaND_5322
7.30am0472235281SLTB Kataragama
11.45am0713612890DS GunasekaraNC_4403
DS GunasekaraNC_8242

Bus Route

Kataragama > Tissamaharama > Debarawewa > Weerawila > Hambantota > Ambalantota > Ranna > Kasagala Interchange > Kottawa Interchange > Makumbura > Kottawa > Maharagama > Nugegoda > Colombo

Get in Location

You can take the bus from below location. Click the Direction button to navigate to the location.

Last update: 2024-11-05

Ask your questions and comments bellow.

18 thoughts on “Kataragama to Colombo Highway Bus Timetable”

  1. කොලඹ ඉදලා කතරගමට hhighway එකෙන් යනවා නම් කොතනින්ද bus එක ගන්න ඔනේ Kottawanda..

  2. Sujika Hettithanthri

    I am from Negombo. I need to go to Ambalanthota. How can I go?
    Date 23.05.2023
    Time – after 4.30pm

  3. Hi looking for buses to Kataragama. February 19, 2024 from Colombo.
    Fort or Kottawa bus station. Would like to leave early morning please.

  4. Kusal maduranga

    Is it possible to go from Tissa Maharamaya to Katunayake Airport by highway bus? I need to be at the airport by 2 am. Please let me know bus time and entrance place

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